【唱誦網頁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtqfOs9Ia8o&list=RDrtqfOs9Ia8o&index=1】
◎Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya(瑜伽之王頌歌)
Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya
Salutations to Yogeshwara, one who has transcended the physical.
向超越身體的 Yogeshwara 致敬.
Bhuta Bhuta Bhuteshwaraya
Salutations to Bhuteshwara, one who has mastered the 5 elements.
向掌握5大元素的Bhuteshwara 致敬.
Kala Kala Kaleshwaraya
Salutations to Kaleshwara, one who has mastered time and is beyond its cycles.
向掌握/超越時間(周期)的 Kaleshwara 致敬.
Shiva Shiva Sarveshwaraya
Salutations to Sarveshwara, one who is everywhere and is the basis of everything.
Shambho Shambho Mahadevaya
Salutations to Shambho, the greatest of all, the Mahadeva.
向最偉大的神 Mahadeva(Shambho) 致敬.